St. Francis Medical Mission is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
Donations now available through VENMO
Your donation WILL make a difference.
Please pass this site on to your family, friends, church members and co-workers. God works through all of us!
All monetary donations help us to bring health and hope to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Donations made to the St. Francis Medical Mission are tax deductible.
Please use the Donate payment button to donate by credit card, If you would like to donate in support of a missionary, please make a notation in the address line. You can do this by creating an additional line for the address. Type c/o and the name of the missionary. If you would like to donate by check or money order, please mail to:
St. Francis Medical Mission
P.O. Box 2313
Cedar Park, TX 78630-2313
Thank you for your donation!
We would like to express our deepest thanks for your donation to the St. Francis Medical Mission. Generous gifts from donors like you provide the financial and moral support needed to continue our mission work.